On Tuesday 9th April 2024, the ACTIVATOR project was presented to potential professionals and stakeholders in an event titled “Invecchiamento e Benessere” (ageing and well-being). Among the participants there were members of the Municipality of Palermo, specifically responsibles for conciliatory policies, corporate welfare, equal opportunities and combating discrimination, as well as promoters of innovative good practices to protect health and social participation. 

This was a good opportunity for CEIPES to present the project objectives and values, the planned activities and the expected results. In addtion, the event raised out potential future collaborations with the Day Care Senior Center of Palermo, which will be an added value not only for the project, but also for the target group by organasing local activities within the ACTIVATOR project. 

The project represents an innovative initiative for older adults to be included activily in Citizen Science by promoting peace, nonviolence and human rights as a fundamental tool to reach a world of equality and solidarity in which all human beings can access to their fundamental rights. 

The consortium is working on the first phase of the project, which is the desk research about local national good practices related to Citizen Science and the involvement of senior citizens in learning paths. 

SStay tuned by following the project social media channels (Facebook, Instagram, X and LinkedIn)